Lost and (Waiting to be) Found

To quote James Joyce, “Mistakes are the portals of discovery.” Oh? I’m on day two of trying to figure out how to redirect my old blog to this one. I haven’t discovered anything except that I have an incredible talent for getting lost. I told you the cybernetherworld would swirl me up. I’ve tried so many steps – I don’t even remember what I’ve done anymore. And then I discovered that it can take a few days for the redirect to take place. I’ll know in a few days?? I feel like I just found out that my microwave dinner is going to take three minutes to cook.  Three minutes?!? That’s an eternity!

I was ready for a little makeover. HumblePie just wasn’t doing it for me anymore. I feel some big changes in the air, so I thought I could use a new coat of paint and a newer alias. I feel refreshed. Same me inside, but a little more inspired. Ready to say yes.

I’ve been known to ramble, so I’ll cut you a break this time. If, for some reason, you miss my ramblings, take a look at my ‘About’ page where I reveal more than you ever wanted to know.

4 thoughts on “Lost and (Waiting to be) Found

    • Thanks, Neal! Decided to use my real name. Scary (for me), huh?

      I would upload a photo of myself for my Gravatar, but that defeats the purpose of this whole Witness Protection Program thingey.


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